from REIN

Empower Your Real Estate Journey Through Self-Reflection!

Episode Notes



Join us as we check in with YOU, the listener. Dive into the importance of self-reflection and how it intersects with mindfulness, meditation and the Alter Ego Effect to supercharge your performance as a real estate agent. 

00;00;06;23 - 00;00;20;11
You’re listening to REINCheck with Andrea Rice, Contracts and Industry Specialists at REIN, where you get the latest member news and information delivered straight from the source, REIN MLS.

00;00;20;14 - 00;00;47;00
Andrea Rice
Hello and welcome to REINCheck. I’m your host, Andrea Rice, and today we are checking in with you. If you are a regular listener, you know that we start each episode with checking in with either an attorney, a SMAC member, or maybe even a REIN employee or some other guest. But today you, the listener, are the guest. So thank you for joining me on this special episode as we check in with you, our valued member.

00;00;47;03 - 00;01;16;23
Andrea Rice
In previous episodes, we have explored the benefits of meditation in tapping into your Alter Ego Effect. Now we’re bringing you all together to help you elevate your real estate game through introspection and self-awareness. So meditation isn’t just about relaxation. It’s a tool for self-discovery and mental clarity. And if you missed our meditation episode, I do encourage you to go back and explore the techniques we discussed for incorporating meditation into your daily routine.

00;01;16;24 - 00;01;44;18
Andrea Rice
It really is a game changer. And we also recently discussed the Alter Ego Effect, and that’s a powerful concept that allows you to step into a persona of confidence and competence. By tapping into your alter ego, you can overcome self-doubt and unlock your full potential. Now let’s connect the dots with introspection and self-reflection. So self-reflection is the foundation for mindful living.

00;01;44;25 - 00;02;22;13
Andrea Rice
It’s about taking the time to pause, reflect and gain insights into your thoughts, emotions and your behaviors. Incorporating self reflection into your routine can be as simple as setting aside a dedicated time each day or week for introspection. Reflect on your experiences, identify areas for growth and align your actions with your values and goals. Taking the time to just sit quietly and listen to your inner voice and clear out the external noise will do amazing things for your mental clarity.

00;02;22;15 - 00;02;47;22
Andrea Rice
We are often looking outward and seeking answers for guidance from outside sources, but it’s in the quiet moments when we turn inward that we often get the answers we have been looking for. That’s why it’s so important to take time for self-reflection. So you can recharge and show up as your best you. Self-reflection is also important when it comes to setting boundaries.

00;02;47;25 - 00;03;14;24
Andrea Rice
As a real estate agent, you are often on the clock 24/7. Ask yourself if you’re setting the boundaries that allow you to recharge. You know, this reminds me of a conversation I had with a local real estate agent. We were discussing work and what was going on, and she told me that recently she had told her clients that she was going to be unavailable for about a day and a half due to a minor surgery

00;03;14;24 - 00;03;45;14
Andrea Rice
she was having. And she relayed to me that the clients expected her to continue to work during that time, they were not at all empathetic to her surgery and they wanted her to be on call even during that time. And unfortunately, this this story is not unique. I was sure of it. You know, there are high demands of your time and it’s important to be able to set realistic boundaries so that you can take care of yourself as well as your clients.

00;03;45;14 - 00;04;18;11
Andrea Rice
You need to be clear and rested in a good state of mind so that you can show up as your best you. So in conclusion, self-reflection is the secret sauce that enhances the benefits of meditation, goal setting, boundary setting and personal growth methods like the Alter Ego Effect that we talked about. By cultivating self-awareness, staying aligned with your values and prioritizing well-being, you’ll elevate your performance in all areas of your life, not just real estate.

00;04;18;13 - 00;04;46;11
Andrea Rice
So take time to check in with yourself and quiet your mind. It will have a positive effect on all areas of your life. And before I sign off, I wanted to mention some resources that you might find valuable. I highly recommend the book The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Hermann. This will give you an in-depth look at what the Alter Ego Effect is and how to create your own alter ego so that you can operate at peak performance.

00;04;46;13 - 00;05;07;27
Andrea Rice
And if you haven’t done so already, check out the REINCheck episode where we discuss the Alter Ego Effectwith success Coach Nate Bright and he gives us a glimpse into this next level method. But really, that’s just a snippet of what this method is. And so I highly recommend the book of you if you’re into it and you want something more in depth.

00;05;08;00 - 00;05;28;29
Andrea Rice
Another book that I can’t say enough about is The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. If you haven’t read this, and I know a lot of you probably already have, but if you haven’t, it is life changing. This book will show you how staying in the present moment can affect your mindset and life in the most amazing ways.

00;05;28;29 - 00;05;57;17
Andrea Rice
A true, true game changer. That’s The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. And lastly, I would also like to recommend a program called Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine. I recently completed this program and it is a powerful tool used to help you rewire your brain for a more positive and fulfilling life. It's backed by scientific data, and the six week program only takes a few minutes a day. So it’s really easy to incorporate into your routine,

00;05;57;17 - 00;06;24;21
Andrea Rice
but it really, really is a wonderful tool for rewiring your brain to see the positive and really quiet, the anxiety and fear that we often have in our lives. Yeah, do those books and that reference to that course that I just took, just to clarify, those are not sponsored by REIN. They are not paid partnerships for me or REIN or affiliated with us in any way.

00;06;24;21 - 00;06;47;05
Andrea Rice
Those are just resources that I found helpful. So I wanted to pass them along to you. So thank all of you for listening, as always. I really appreciate you taking the time to tune in. And if you missed any of the previous episodes of REINCheck, I do invite you to go to to take a listen and make sure you subscribe so that you get future episodes delivered directly to you when they are released.

00;06;47;11 - 00;06;51;22
Andrea Rice
Thank you and have a great rest of your day.

00;06;51;24 - 00;06;59;07
You’ve been listening to REINCheck with Andrea Rice. Stay in the know from those who know. Delivered straight from the source, REIN MLS.